Friday, September 12, 2008

Do you know what you want to be?

Do you know what you want to be?
Have you asked me? - God
This may be one of the most difficult questions for anyone to answer: What do you want to be? Or what do you want to do with your life? For six years I worked in high school ministry. Without exception, year after year, the answer to that question would not come easy for our seniors as they looked toward college and the rest of their lives. What to do? What to study? Where to study? Oftentimes they would pick a college, and maybe put off picking what to do in life until later.

Although there were more questions than answers, there was still one answer that they all agreed upon: “I want to be happy.” I guarantee that this is also what God wants. He has a particular plan for each one of us. And this plan, or calling, is already the greatest desire of our hearts. He has planted it there, and throughout our lives He has been creating us to fulfill that call, whatever it may be.

The simple way I have explained it to my students is this: God is the Great C.E.O. of the Kingdom. And as any C.E.O., He wants to “hire” the best people for the job, whatever particular job that is. He will want people who are skilled, and who love what they are doing, because then they will invest themselves in the company, or Kingdom.

Whatever we may do with our lives, every one of us is first and foremost a laborer for the Gospel and for Christ. There is where we will find true happiness – in Him. You don’t know what you want to be? Be first a disciple of Christ. Then ask God to help you find the plan that is already the greatest desire of your heart. In all that we do, we should do them in memory of Him.

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